Our love

Our love

Saturday, March 29, 2014

March 28th- 18 days old

Today was my official due date for our sweet Sadie and she is already 18 days old. However, it feels like we have had her forever. These past two and a half weeks are an enigma to me. Part of me feels like they have flown by, while the other part feels like they have dragged on. Regardless of how the time has been, I do know one thing - they have been wonderful! I love every minute I get to spend with my sweet girl.

We had big improvements again today, as she had her catheter and chest tube removed! She was also upped to 2 ml of breast milk per hour. Which will be about an ounce and a half over the course of 24 hours. I am thankful I am not on that eating plan! When one of our cardiologists walked in today, I proudly let him know that she had been upped to 2 mls per hour and he laughed and said he was pretty sure she swallowed more spit than that. He is a fan of feeding them faster, but they all compromise based on what they believe as a group is best for Sadie.  As a whole, they said she is looking great. She is still slightly tachypneic (her breathing is fast) and a few of her levels are not quite where we want them, but they say she is doing amazing considering she just had open heart surgery.

Tomorrow, will be a big day as they move her to a crib and we get to put her in clothes! We went shopping for her for the first time, it was great! I can not wait to post pictures of her in her outfits. They have to be a special kind that they can easily remove, but Krissie prepared us for that so we know exactly what to get.

Verse of the Day:
"Ah Lord God! It is you who made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you." Jeremiah 32:17

 I have found throughout my whole life that when I face a big problem, I usually try to solve it on my own. I think "I can handle this" and begin doing every "earthly" thing I know how to do to solve the problem. Then, when I have exhausted all "earthly" means, I get wise and remember to ask God. Why is it that I do things so backwards? Why would I not start with the creator of the universe? He made me, He made everything and He knows everything. Obviously, He knows the solution. For example, sometime last year I lost my retainer (yes, I still wear a retainer every night- if not, my teeth would be crooked) and searched everywhere high and low. I distinctively remember that it was late and I was exhausted. So, after spending over an hour searching, I decided to skip my devotion and just go to bed. I knew it was wrong, but I was so tired. Well, as soon as I laid down, I felt this nagging on my heart that I should do my devotion. Obviously, the Holy Spirit was convicting me. So, after laying there for five minutes I gave in and decided to do my devotion. Well I got up went to my drawer and pulled out my bible and you will never believe what I found laying on top- my retainer. It was such a funny little reminder that I needed to turn to Him!

Now, we are facing different circumstances and we have been able to see God do miracles through supernatural means and through medicine. I am so thankful for everything He is doing! We are thankful for the way her body has responded to the treatments in ways that shock even the doctors. And, we are thankful for all of the skills given to everyone who is working on her. I am so thankful for each and every person who has has worked on Sadie over the past few weeks and for the doctors that have been following me throughout my entire pregnancy. It is so amazing to know that God formed each and everyone of them and gave them the will and desire to do their jobs. He is using them in mighty ways and some of them do not even know it. I am thankful for the paths they have taken to be where they are today. I am also thankful for the paths we have been on that have kept us here. It is wonderful to see how God has orchestrated every part of our paths and continues to do so! I am so thankful that I serve a God who nothing is too hard for!

Praises for the Day:
1. Sadie had her chest tube and catheter removed!
2. She was calm and alert for a lot of the day.
3. She is exceeding their expectations for recovery.

Prayer Requests for the Day:
1. Continued protection for Sadie from infection. As she is post surgery, it is so important that she does not get any type of infections, bacteria or sicknesses as they could cause severe problems.
2. Pray that her stomach will tolerate the milk so that we can continue to increase the amount we give to her.
3. Continued wisdom for everyone involved in making her plans for each day!

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