Every time Zach's phone would ring and we would see "unknown" calling, I would breathe. Those good updates were exactly what I longed to hear. The best moment was when I saw the surgeon's after we were told she was closed. I knew if they were out and smiling, it was a good thing! Seeing them was like the moment Ariel saw Prince Eric for the first time (just a nice Disney reference for you babe). No, I did not fall in love with the doctor's by any means- but I did see another day for my Sweet Sadie!
After talking with all of the doctor's and nurses, we were relieved to hear that she had done wonderfully! When we got the chance to go back and see her, it was a huge mix of emotions. I was so relieved to see her, but it was hard as she was intubated, slightly swollen and obviously on a lot of heavy medication. But, the sight of her chest moving up and down was one that was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes.
So now onto the information you have not previously heard. I did not write the blog yesterday (that is why it was so funny- way to go Zach now everyone is going to be disappointed when I do not make them laugh) because I got to stay overnight with her because we are in the PICU now. Notice, I said "stay overnight." The idea was to have a sleepover, however sleeping did not really happen. I think I may have slept for a total of 2 and a half hours, because there was a lot going on. But, it was all very good stuff. It started when Dr. English came to check and decided he was ready to get her extubated that night! I was initially told she would be intubated for a week or two post surgery, so less than 24 hours was so exciting. Well, they slowly weaned her off of the breathing machine and less than 8 hours after finishing surgery- she was off! It was so great to hear her sweet little cry. However, that sweet little cry kept me up during the night. I am definitely not complaining about this though- it was a great restless night! She also had a few x-rays during the night and people checking on her constantly- which we are very grateful for.
This morning (well around 8:00), we started with rounds. I love rounds in the PICU because all of the doctors, nurses, PA's and everyone are involved. They always start with the cardiac patients, but unfortunately, they start on the other side of the hall so we were the last cardiac patient to be looked at. It was fun watching them all move slowly in their circles, wheeling their laptops along with them. We counted and there were 13 people standing in a circle discussing her case. It was also great to hear them all actively discussing how she was doing and what to do to proceed. There was a lot I did not understand, but also a lot I did understand. I decided that I can learn a little more each day. So, I am sure you want to know what they said. If I tried to write down everything, first of all it would be gibberish to most of you and second, it would take me forever. So, here is the important stuff. They decided to start working on weaning her off of her pain medication and sedative (they explained how babies and the elderly are a lot tougher than everyone else.) They decided to consult nephrology again sometime soon regarding her kidneys and to see why her urine is somewhat cloudy. They decided to start a new antibiotic to try to combat the cloudy urine. Finally, they decided to start feeding her through a tube! This took some negotiating as one of the doctor's wanted to wait- but in the end, they decided it was best.
I was the most ecstatic about the fact that she would get to eat. It was only later, when her nurse was talking about starting her TPN (the nutrition she has been receiving up until this point) that I realized just how little the amount of food they would be giving her was. They are giving her 1 ml per hour.. that is less than 1 ounce in a day. So, we obviously are starting VERY slow. But, it is a start!
As I talked to people throughout the day, I was constantly reminded of how good God is. Everyone is shocked at how well she is doing. I know that each day is just one step forward- but we are so thankful for every single one.
Tonight, we had the privilege of going to dinner with Emerie's parents and brothers. Emerie is a little girl who had the same exact surgery Sadie did in November. When we first found out about Emerie, we knew that God had orchestrated our paths and were so thankful for that. Shortly after Sadie was born, a great friend contacted Emerie's mother for me and she reached out to me on Facebook. I am so thankful for her and already know that this is going to be a lifelong friendship for us and our girls. During dinner, we had the privilege of learning more about their process and seeing just how well Emerie was doing. We must continue to pray for her to as she will have her second surgery soon! I am so thankful for these new friends that we have.
Tomorrow, they will hopefully remove her chest tube and I will be able to hold her. This is such a miracle! When I talked to Krissie, Emerie's mom, she said she did not get to hold her for three weeks after surgery. In addition, if they take out the chest tube she may get to wear clothes. They have to be all snaps, but Krissie actually brought a few of Emerie's outfits for Sadie =)
Verses of the Day:
"Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth; sing the glory of His name; give to Him glorious praise. Say to God how awesome are your deeds." -Psalm 166: 1-3a
God is awesome! I have seen this time and time again. When I was younger, the first "awesome deed" I can remember Him doing was giving me straight hair. I had very curly hair when I was younger, and wanted straight hair. Well, I prayed and prayed and prayed.. and one day I woke up with stick straight hair. It only lasted a few years, but I still got my straight hair. More recently, I have seen His awesome works time and time again in the lives of students, friends and of course Sadie. I am so thankful for His awesome deeds over the past two weeks and will continue to thank Him for His awesome deeds that He is continuing to do!
Praises for the Day:
1. Successful surgery for Sadie!!!
2. Successful surgery for Madison!!
3. She has already been extubated and she is starting to be fed!!!!
Prayer Requests for the Day:
1. Pray that the food cooperates with her belly so that she can continue to get more food and grow!
2. Pray that we figure out what is going on with her urine.
3. Pray that she can rest peacefully.
4. Pray for protection from any infections!
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