Our love

Our love

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19th: 9 Days Old!

Today was a great day for my sweet Sadie! I planned on going to the hospital for two hours and then leaving to take Kinsley on a play date, but just could not convince myself to leave. When I first arrived, I got my updates from one of my favorite nurses. Then, I watched an ultrasound of her brain (which we are still waiting on results for) and then had the fun task of calming her down afterwards. She was calm for the first part, but then when they started to do the back of her head, she started throwing a fit. She was swinging her arms around and wiggling all over the place- it is good to see that she is a little fighter though as we know we need that! After the ultrasound tech left, I tried calming her down for about 10 minutes with no luck. So, we decided that I should try holding her- that worked like a charm! So, I got to spend the next hour and a half just holding her.

After we put her back in her isolette, the respiratory therapist came by to do some practice exercises for eating. She is currently receiving all of her lipids and nutrients through IV's. So, when the day comes for actual milk, it will be a slow and long process. Starting with making sure her body can adjust to food and eventually leading to oral feeding.Most of the time, that is what keeps NICU babies in the longest is adjusting to eating. She warned me that it can be one of the most frustrating things but that it was good to be prepared. She then taught me some things that I could do to help her practice for the future.

After that, things got a little crazy in the NICU. All I could hear were nurses and doctors running around as one of the babies was taking a turn for the worse. It was so scary to hear, and I immediately began to pray for the family. I had no clue what was happening, but knew that they needed prayers. As I was leaving, I got the opportunity to meet the babies Aunt and Uncle. We shared stories and promised to begin praying for each other. Thankfully, the baby has stabilized and is doing better. Please pray for this family!

Then, I left to go get Kinsley and we went home for a little while. She had a wonderful day at daycare and then we got to play at home for a little while before we headed back up to the hospital. Once we were back, we got to see another one of our favorite nurses (I have quite a few favorites at this point because they are so wonderful) and spend some more time with Sadie. She was resting peacefully which is always wonderful to see.

I will always end with my verse for the day, praises and prayer requests. Here is our first set.

Verse for the Day:
Exodus 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."
While I was holding Sadie today, I read her the story associated with this verse. If you go to Exodus chapter 14- you will find part of the story of Moses and the Israelites. In this part, Moses and the Israelites have left Egypt and are headed towards the Red Sea. God then hardens Pharoah's heart so that he will regret his decision to let the people go and chase after them. So, the chase begins. As soon as the Israelites see Pharoah and his army, they began to doubt the Lord and be come angry with Moses. Moses then tells them not to be afraid and tells them that the Lord will fight for them. You all know the rest of the story, the Lord tells Moses to raise his staff and divides the waters of the Red Sea so the Israelites can pass on dry land. Pharoah and his army chase after them and the Lord causes them to become confused. Once all of the Israelites make it to the dry land, he allows the walls of water to cave in. Pharoah and all of his men are drowned in the sea.

As I read this, this time, I noticed two things that I can relate to at this point in my life.

1. The Lord purposely hardened Pharoah's heart and had him chase after the Israelites. For the Israelites, it seemed like a bad thing as they saw them chasing after them. However, the Lord allowed them to face this seemingly scary trial and no harm came to them. The situation seemed hopeless as they saw Pharoah's army on one side and a sea on the other. For man, this was an impossible situation but for God it was not. He wanted to show that nothing is impossible. And He did just that!

2. The Israelites doubted the Lord. This seems crazy to me- they had already seen His power and still they doubted Him. How could this be? If I am honest with myself, I can see that I do this all the time. He has already done so much for me and yet I still allow fear to creep into my life and I do not trust Him. I must realize that He is in control and throw that fear out the door, or I will be just as crazy as the Israelites.

Praises for the Day:
1. Her latest blood and eye culture still shows no sign of infection.
2. Her spinal fluid shows no sign of infection.
3. Her platelet levels have risen.
4. Her urine has been blood free for almost 24 hours.
5. Her lactate and blood oxygen levels are great.
6. Her respiratory rate has slowed down to better levels.
6. I got to hold her again today!

Prayer Requests for the Day:
1. We still have to wait 24 more hours to have finalizations on her blood culture, eye culture and spinal tap. Pray that they continue to come back with no growth (this will mean the infections are gone) so that we can stay healthy and be ready for surgery next week.
2. Her lungs are considered to be slightly "damp." This is not a surprise to the doctors as her PDA has been open and we have not been able to band her pulmonary arteries yet. They are giving her lasix, which is a diuretic and should help flush the fluid out. Pray that this works and she has no bad reactions from the medicine.
3. We are waiting on results from her head ultrasound. Pray for favorable results and wisdom as the doctors make their recommendations.
4. We are waiting recommendations from the Infectious Diseases (she does not have any diseases, these are just the people who specialize in infections) Specialists. Pray for wisdom as they make their recommendations to Cardiology.
5. Pray for all of her nurses, they do such a wonderful job and we are so blessed with them!


  1. I commend you on your decision to blog this extremely hard and frightening event. Sadie is absolutely gorgeous and very lucky to be blessed with the parents and family that she has. Your first verse posted is perfect and one that has helped me jot only in life but in my pregnancy as its not been the easiest. Sometimes we miss the slightest blessings or smallest achievements because we are so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and alot of us often try doing it on our own. What a mighty gracious God we serve that were never alone and always "HELD" ( check out this song by natalie grant ). You guys and ms. Sadie are in our thoughts and prayers.

  2. Thanks Ashley! It is so true and I will definitely check that song out. Praying for you and your sweet Haylee too!
