Our love

Our love

Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24th: 14 days old

I can hardly believe my Sweet Sadie is two weeks old today! And what is even crazier, is we still have not reached my due date. But, these past two weeks with our sweet girl have been wonderful!

When I came in, our cardiologist had just arrived and was ready to start checking her out. The first thing he did was remove the line that was in her mouth connecting to her belly (to pull air out.) He thought it was making her too uncomfortable, and I agreed. Then he checked her out, and we discussed the upcoming surgery. He said at this point, we are still scheduled for Wednesday. Her platelet levels did drop slightly today, but he said it was not past his threshold or the surgeon's and her white blood cell slightly elevated, so he ordered another urine culture. At this point, all of her blood and urine cultures have shown no growth, which points to their not being an infection; however, they are still slightly worried since her white blood cell count rose again. So, we are still just watching and waiting at this point.

After the cardiologist left, they let me hold Sadie. We got to spend a good hour and a half together and she was as cozy as could be. After I got done holding her, we put her back in the bed and she started fussing. We tried so many things to calm her down, but she was not having it. I am sure she is just hungry and tired of being in her little isolette, so I can not really blame her. At this point, I had to leave to go get Kinsley, but Laura got her to calm down by letting Sadie suck on her gloved finger for 20 minutes, she is so sweet!

After I left the NICU, I paid a quick visit to Dr. Gottier on the 18th floor and headed to get Kinsley. We then went to dinner with Zane and Christine before heading back up to the hospital. We have such wonderful friends and it was great getting to spend time with them! Once we arrived back at the hospital, Laura let Zach hold Sadie for a little while. Once again, she was peaceful and cozy while Zach was holding her. After we put her down she started to get fussy again. Our poor little girl just wants to be cuddled, and who can blame her!

Verses for the Day:
"As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in the mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the maker of all things." -Ecclesiastes 1:5

Throughout this whole experience, I feel like I have learned a lot, but also that I have so much more to learn. The way the human body is designed to work is crazy. We have an amazing God who formed things in a way that none of us can truly explain or imagine. Although I have had many doctor's explain the heart to me and the way it is designed to function, not one can truly explain how it happens. That is part of the mystery of God. It is so cool to think that my sweet Sadie Grace lived inside of me and that she was formed by God. What is even crazier to think about is the fact that her body knows just what to do to function. Even though her heart has not formed according to God's original design, it is still trying its hardest. And her little body is still fighting. If we consciously tried to think to tell our hearts to pump blood, we would not be able to. But, because of God's incredible design our hearts know exactly what to do. I can not understand how this is possible. And just as I can not understand that I can not understand the works that God is doing through Sadie's life right now. I can see that in her 14 days on earth, she has already made a bigger impact than I believe I have in my 26 years on Earth. What a beautiful testimony she already has for the Lord. Through other people's words and stories, I can already see the impact she is having. She has also made a huge impact in my own life. I can honestly say that this has helped me become closer to God than I ever have been. And in spite of that, I still do not know His final plan. So, I must not try to understand. Rather, I must sit back and see the beautiful things He is doing through Sadie's life and be joyful for the changes in my life and in others.

Praises for the Day:
1. Sadie's blood and urine cultures are still coming back negative.
2. The doctor removed the tube from her throat.
3. Both Zach and I were able to hold her today.
4. Most of her numbers look great!

Prayer Requests for the Day:
1. Pray for her white blood cell count to decrease.
2. Pray for her platelets to increase.
3. Pray that we will get a nephrology or urology consult tomorrow.
4. Pray for sweet Sadie's hunger pains to subside.
5. Pray for wisdom for the doctor's and surgeons as they decide wether or not to proceed with surgery on Wednesday or to postpone it.

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