Sadie was discharged from the hospital February 10th. As we said our goodbyes to our family in the CVICU.. we promised not to be back for a while and we have technically kept that promise. However, we have not said goodbye to the hospital for that long. Here is the next chapter in our story.
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I love how much they love each other! |
Friday afternoon, everything changed. It started raining. The rain came in softly in the form of a fever. We were worried, but gave her some Motrin and hoped it was due to teething. Friday night she was fussy- but got some sleep.
Saturday, the drizzle started. Although at points it felt like I was drowning in a flood. Zach was off golfing with our lifegroup boys in the morning and I was set to go to a Little Mended Hearts meeting. We had a nurse there to watch Sadie, but I was uncomfortable due to the fever. Sadie was somewhat happy, so I sent the nurse on her way and it was me and the girls. That was when the rain picked up. Sadie started fussing- no matter what I did, she cried. I bounced and bounced and bounced, like I had never bounced before (and if you know me this is is a lot). When she was not sleeping, she was crying. When she was sleeping (which was about a 30 minute period) she was moaning. Zach got home and did his best to help, but NOTHING was working. I knew something was wrong and was on the phone all day with her pediatrician trying to determine a cause. After switching to pedialyte, trying rice cereal and trying her formula again- we knew it was time to head to the ER. As soon as we started driving, Sadie fell asleep. I thought about turning around, but knew I should not.
More pouring. Generally, when I take Sadie to the ER- I have either my mother or Zach- this time I was all alone. My mom and dad are both sick and Kinsley is sick too, so he had to stay with Kinsley. It is difficult doing ER trips and even worse by yourself. But, off we went.
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I managed to sneak a smile from Sadie while we waited in the ER. |
Sunday was a day of waiting. We had to wait for the results to see what type of bug Sadie was infected with. After those results came in, we would have to wait for more results. We would have to see what the bug was sensitive to. If it was sensitive to oral antibiotics, we would get to go home... IF it was not, we would stay here for the course of the IV antibiotics. I found out late Sunday night that the bacteria was a gram negative bacillus.. but that did not tell me the specific type, I did know that those were the more difficult infections to fight. Yet, I still hoped for the best.
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Sadie playing with her toys. |

Thus far I have told the sad part of all of the pouring. Now I will tell you about the outpouring of blessings. It is amazing how God has provided time and time again. Lets back track.
Blessing 1: Home Sweet Home- Sadie had a fight with chyle after her heart surgery. Although it was terrifying, it was short lived. We had been told it could last anywhere from one to four weeks. Well for us it was just a few days. Thank you Lord for that blessing.
Blessing 2: Sadie's voice- Sadie has not had her voice back since surgery and it has returned since she has done quite a bit of screaming in the last few days- it has also returned in the form of saying mama and dada again!
Blessing 3: Megan Hall, The Parkers, Fred and Dan and Nicole- Saturday was not a day for eating for me- it was a day for trying my best to calm Sadie. Zach made me a quesadilla for lunch- but by the time I got to the ER I was famished and knew I would not be able to leave to get dinner. I debated options and went to Facebook. Within minutes I had a message from Megan- she was bringing me dinner. Shockingly, I had many other responses and also had to turn people down. Sunday night, the Parkers brought me an amazing home cooked meal. Monday as I could not leave the room again, Fred bought me Chik-Fil-A and tonight, Dan and Nicole brought us an amazing home cooked meal as well.

Blessing 5: Our CV Family- Even though we are not in the CVICU, we have already seen so many of Sadie's nurses. Each one that has dropped by has brought a huge smile to both of our faces. Thank you so much Linda, Stefani, Rachel, Ina, Loren, Bridget, Chelsea, Fred and Stacy! It is so great to know that you guys care so much.
Blessing 6: Mima and Aunt Traci- My mima and Aunt Traci have stepped up and helped watch Kinsley while Zach has been working and I have been with Sadie. It is hard trying to manage one sick child, let alone two! Thank you so much for being willing to drop everything you have planned and take care of our sweet Kinsley.
Blessing 7: Sadie's doctors- Dr. Lacey and Dr. Mary have both been crazy enough to give me their cell phone numbers and I overuse them. They have both blessed us so much with their constant attention to Sadie (and me.)
As you can see, in spite of the hard things we face- we are also receiving an outpouring of love.

Romans 8:28 says: "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
When we are in the midst of hard times, it is hard to remember what we know... that all things work together. Not just some, all. God has a purpose for each and every event in our life. Even when they seem unpleasant or it seems that is impossible for something good to happen, the Lord can use it. I have seen countless times how He has blessed us through Sadie and how He is blessing others. I do wish that I could trade places with her, but I am grateful that she will not remember most of this when she is older- but that she will have an amazing testimony of God's grace and strength.
So after all of this, I just want you to know that I am thankful that when it rains, it pours!
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