I like to write when I feel encouraged... I like to write when there is good news to share... I like to write when I feel strong... and I feel like I should feel this way now, but for some reason I do not. Maybe it is just the roller coaster of emotions. Maybe it is because I feel like I do not see an end in sight. Maybe it is because I have not been able to spend as much time with Sadie as I would like going back to work...
But, I am experiencing joy IN this moment as I struggle to type. I am struggling because Kinsley is sitting on my lap trying to type at the same time. Her laughter is infectious.. and now she is gone. She has just run off to get medicine from grandma. It is nice being home, but I think I am just exhausted.
Through all of this, I have received more compliments than I can imagine. People who are amazed at my strength, but I do not feel strong through all of this at all times. I know that when I do have strength, it is only because God has given it to me. Before we experienced this, I remember reading the blog of another mother- it was a mother whose baby had been born with the same thing as Sadie. I remember being excited and nervous to see a new blog post- but finding such hope in her strength and wondering where she got it from... thinking I could not have the strength and now I know that I could not have the strength alone. God gives you the strength. He gives it through His word. When I look, He gives me the words I need. When I listen, He gives me the strength through songs and stories. He also gives me the strength through others. He gives it through the people He has placed in my life. My amazing husband who has stayed strong by my side and is always there to support me- in whatever way I need. Who has done his best to provide a normal life for Kinsley. Who has spent many nights alone at home as I have been at the hospital with Sadie. Through my sweet Kinsley who brings me unmeasurable joy. Joy through her laughter at the silliest things. Joy through her exclamations of wonder- if you have never heard her say "ohhhhh" in excitement, you are missing out. Joy through the silly things she does and says. Joy through her big hugs and kisses. Joy through her love! For my parents and Zach's parents who have supported us through all of this. They are constantly helping us balance the craziness life has thrown at us. They have also given us amazing examples of how to be parents and spouses. Through our family, church, work and friends- we have so many amazing people who call, text and show up just when we need them. I know that God has put us in this place, in this situation for a purpose. He has such big plans for Sadie and I can not wait to see what they are.
On to the update...

The recovery from this process is going to be a long and slow one. We have been told it can take anywhere from a week to a month. So, we are now just waiting. The problem is when you are waiting in a hospital, it makes it harder. Harder for Sadie as she is stuck in the same bed for 24 hours at a time. This makes it harder for her to be active and break up the fluid in her chest. It is also harder as she is constantly being checked on. This is obviously very important and helpful, but it is hard as she does not like being messed with (who can honestly blame her though). Harder for us as we are stuck living in two different places. Stuck trying to balance work and taking care of our children. Stuck waiting. But, waiting is what we will do. We will wait for her body to stop producing chyle. Once the chyle has stopped draining from her chest tube, they will clamp the tube and X-ray her in a few hours to see if their is a build up. If there is, they will unclamp and we will wait some more. If there is not, we will wait a little longer to ensure it isn't going to come back and then hopefully be able to go home.
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