Sadie and Kinsley watching Frozen before Sadie's surgery. |
As I am writing this post, I am listening to the song "Fixer Upper." I am sure most parents who are reading this know exactly what song I am talking about, and can sing every word. Even Kinsley, my two year old, can sing the last word of every line. The song is about fixing Kristoff up for Anna, until they realize Anna is engaged.. then she becomes a fixer upper too. At the end, they talk about how people do not really change but that true love is the only actual "Fixer Upper."
Disney partially got it right, but not completely. Their version of true love is far from the real stuff. Christ's love is the only thing that can truly fix us up. His selfless sacrifice on the cross for us. That love that gives us a passage to eternity with Him. It is that love that helps me get through hard days. Days where I do not know what is going to happen with Sadie. Days where surgeons cut into her. Days where doctors rush into a room. Days where I do not have the answers. Days where I know God is the only one with the answers.
Romans 8:37-39 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
God has been fixing Sadie up and me through this long process. He has been using doctors and nurses to help fix her up along the way and He has been using His word and others to fix me. We both have a long road ahead of us, but we have the love of Christ and the love of so many people (including you) helping us along the way.
Relaxing after extubation! |
Sadie is currently being "fixed up" again. Last night was a hard one as they could not get Sadie under control in the beginning. She is a fighter to the end and was showing that off last night. I think she must have the Rocky soundtrack in her head as she just keeps going and fighting. But, when she is intubated that is a bad thing. I know I talk about it a lot, but I am going to explain it now- just so you know what it means. Intubation occurs when they put an ET tube in a patient's trachea and the vent (machine attached to the ET tube) breathes for the patient. While the ET tube is in, the patient must be sedated so they do not try to pull it out (especially feisty children). As a result of the sedation, the patient is also very sleepy which tends to make it harder for them to breathe- and takes away their drive to breathe. Sadie is a patient the requires a lot of sedation- and last night, even though they maxed her our on sedatives, she was still fighting- so they had to paralyze her. As a parent, it is awful to see your child paralyzed. I could see that her heart rate was still elevated, so I knew she was still angry. But, if she was not paralyzed, she could have pulled out her ET tube and she would not have been strong enough to breathe on her own. And, if she pulled it out, she could cause a lot of damage to herself. So at the beginning of the evening last night, while everyone else was watching the Super Bowl, we were watching the Sadie Bowl- it was Sadie versus the nurses and doctors. She was in the lead in the beginning, but eventually they gained control. After finding the right balance of sedatives and paralytics, her heart rate and fever decreased- showing that she was finally calm and comfortable.
Sadie's PICC line is inserted under the sleeve. |
This morning began with the search for a central line. Sadie lost two arterial lines and an IV yesterday, and with her long stay ahead of her a PICC line was necessary. More medical knowledge for you- a PICC is similar to an IV except the catheter is inserted in a large vein and then is threaded all the way to a vein that is right above her heart. They use PICC lines as they last much longer than IV's and they can draw blood from them, so less sticks for Sadie. Since we are going to be in the hospital for a while (anywhere from a week to a month), this will help a lot. After about an hour, Holly successfully inserted the PICC line and added a new peripheral IV.
After the PICC line was removed, they began the process of extubation. As Sadie's respiratory therapist puts it "it is like a nice dance trying to figure out the correct amount of sedation for the patient's, especially Sadie." They had to wake her up enough to breathe on her own, but also keep her comfortable enough that she would not rip it out before she was able to breathe on her own. Extubation was a success and she is now getting oxygen through a nasal cannula at a low rate. Hopefully, once she is fully awake (maybe before I am finished writing this) we will be able to take that off as well.
Sadie's beautiful foot cast that
Courtney put on to protect her IV |
Moving forward. We will be spending the next few weeks in the hospital as Sadie is recovering from her chylothorax (leakage of the chyle into her chest cavity). We all have chyle in our body, but generally it is transported through our lymphatic system to our liver and to our fat tissue. With Sadie, somewhere within her lymphatic system there is a leakage. 90% of these leakages close on their own with time, but we must first get that time. They will start by switching her to a new formula that does not have a lot of fat in it, instead it has medium chain triglycerides. MCT's are fats that are easier to absorb and are absorbed directly into the liver, rather than having to travel through the lymphatic tissue. Hopefully, once we start feeding her this special formula that leak will have time to heal and heal on it's own. If that is the case, they will leave Sadie on the formula for a few months and then we will be able to try a normal diet again. If we start feeding her this formula and her chest tube continues to leak, she will have to go to strictly TPN (nutrition through IV). We should start feeding her soon and I will update you on that process as soon as I know more!

And just a side note (or maybe an end note- since this is the end not the side), I finished this before she woke up- I am getting faster! Hopefully the next time I write you, I will be able to put a current smiling picture of Sadie. For now, we will do a throwback (even though it is not Thursday).
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