Our love

Our love

Friday, October 17, 2014

Splash Mountain

The past seven months have been a whirl wind of emotions. As I sit here typing, I am trying to think of something to compare it to and my first thought is a roller coaster, full of ups and downs, excitement and screams. But the more I think about it, the more I realize this is not just any roller coaster, it is Splash Mountain.

Splash Mountain is unlike most roller coasters we see today, as it has a story and I think that story resembles everything we have faced. You board your little log and start with a steep climb up hill, followed by a short drop to a briar patch. This is the introduction to the ride, the notice that something is starting soon.  For us, our introduction was not a briar patch, but nausea. I felt the nauseous feeling and knew we would be having another child soon. After taking a test, it was confirmed, God had blessed us with a second child.

After making it through the briar patch, you get to see the "daily life" of Brer Rabbit, where everything is good and he is "just living." Doing laundry, and avoiding Brer Fox and Brer Bear. For us this was the time up until our 20 week sonogram. We were just living, day by day, preparing for Sadie's coming, without a hint of the trouble that was ahead.

About halfway through the ride, you begin to see the dangers as you are meet Brer Fox, who has captured his buddy Brer Bear at this point. For us, that was the 20 week appointment when we found out Sadie had heart issues, kidney issues and a cystic hygroma. We were just living life, expecting to receive a report on the gender of our baby and instead were told that our baby was very sick.

As Splash Mountain continues, you come to a quick little drop that takes your breath away before entering another scene that shows more of Brer Fox and Brer Bears gimmicks. We had our breath taken away when we discovered that Sadie had Turner's Syndrome and began to learn more about the health complications she had.

After this scene, you get to make the climb up to the big fall. As you are on the climb, your heart begins to race a little as you know what is following. But, at that point, no matter how scared you are, there is no getting off. You are stuck, for better or worse. And you just have to trust that Disney had  plan and this was part of it. That they had built a safe ride and that you will be okay after the drop. For us, this climb was the time leading to her birth. It was hard and scary at times. Sometimes we were not sure where the climb was taking us. We were not sure that the drop would be a safe one. We were nervous but knew that we had to trust in God, trust that He had a plan and that this was part of it. That we would be okay after the fall.

Well on Splash Mountain, after the climb you fall. The fall is fun and terrifying all at the same time, as you plummet 45 feet down right past the thorns. Then your log brings you to Brer Rabbit's Laughin' Place where he is safe and everything is good. Then you are taken back to the beginning where you get off and go join a new ride.

Unfortunately, I feel like we are stuck on the last three stages. We have a climb, fall and then happiness. Our climbs have been days before surgeries and big events, our falls are the surgeries and events and our happiness is the time in between where Sadie gets to be home with us.

Well my friends, we are on another climb. Sadie has been admitted into the hospital twice this week with a fever. Sunday night, we took her to the ER and were admitted to the CVICU. After running tests and finding nothing of concern, we were released Tuesday night. We fell and reached safety once again as we were allowed to go home.

Our next climb began as we were told she would most likely be having her second open heart surgery the following Wednesday. We knew that the surgery was coming soon but were shocked it would be that soon. Anxiously, I awaited a call telling me it was official. Well as we waited, the climb got even steeper. Thursday morning (two days after we had been released) Sadie developed another fever, but this one was higher than the last. So, we contacted our amazing cardiologist, Dr. Lacey (who I am so incredibly thankful for) and she got us a room in the CVICU. Once we arrived, we learned that we would not be having surgery next Wednesday (due to scheduling issues). We also learned that we would be staying until her surgery, whenever that is. So here we are.. stuck on the climb.

I must say that this climb has had "mini falls" as we have done testing and so far her blood and urine looks clean. This is great news, but also bad as we do not know what caused her fever. At this point, we are just hoping it was a viral infection.

Tuesday morning, the cardiologists, cv surgeons and our urologist (Dr. Barraza) will meet and discuss Sadie's case and hopefully come up with a plan.

Throughout this entire experience, I have been trusting God, but have also been trying to "manufacture my own miracles." Well, I have resolved that I will stop that.. I will let God do the manufacturing as His plans are far greater than mine.

Pray for wisdom for all involved in Sadie's care and peace for me as I am learning to sit back and trust. Pray for our family as this is all very stressful and is very hard on all of us. And pray for Zach as he is staying with Sadie tonight and they are currently trying to place an IV. At this point, they have tried three times unsuccessfully.. Pray long term that her veins rejuvenate as they are running out of access points.

As soon as I know more about Sadie's upcoming surgery, I will let you know.

If you ordered a Sadie shirt, thank you so much! We know we will definitely have them in time for the surgery as it has been postponed. Please post pictures of yourself wearing them so we can show Sadie all of the people who were praying for her and supporting her during her surgery!

Love you all,

Candace, Zach, Kinsley and Sadie

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