Feeding, feeding, feeding.. that is our focus now. Before we had Sadie, I would have never been able to convert millileters to ounces but now I am a pro. And now, it is the dreaded ml that I face every three hours. To you, forty five ml may sound ambigious, you may have no clue if that is a large or small number. Well from my point of view, it is the smallest and the biggest. It is small in comparison to any grown person, an ounce and a half of liquid. But, for Sadie it is a very large number. And up until today, it was our goal to reach that number every three hours. We have been doing pretty good reaching it, but it is always scary as it approaches time for me to feed her. I am always plagued with worry.. Is she going to latch or be crazy? Is she going to allow me to pace her or suck in extra air? Is she going to stay awake long enough to finish her feed or fall asleep half way through? And the worst worry of all.. is she going to keep this down or throw it all up? Each time we eat, I ask God to provide her with the coordination, endurance, strength, desire and tolerance she needs for her food. Over the last few days, she has been doing great, but her needs are always increasing.

According to the scale I weigh her on every morning, she has been slowly gaining weight. So, when I headed to the pediatrician's office this morning, my hopes were high! We had a great weekend, she was eating well, had stopped throwing up most of her food and had gained approximately two ounces. Well, according to their scale, she had lost two ounces so they said we needed to up her feeds. I immediately felt defeated, it was hard enough reaching the 45 ml, but upping to 60 ml or eating every two hours just seemed impossible. But, I know that they just want what is best for Sadie. After her pediatrician appointment, we headed to the cardiologist. They did an echo and an EKG and Dr. Lacey said both looked beautiful. In fact, she said that her left ventricle has been steadily growing compared to both her fetal echo and newborn echo! That is great news. Then came the dreaded food talk. I had recently stopped fortifying the breast milk with formula because I thought that was what was making her sick. Well, Dr. Lacey said we needed the extra calories so we should try to fortify with less formula to see if she could tolerate it. She told me if she could not, we would try other things. Well, so far, she has only spit up a tiny bit, so we are doing good. Pray things continue to trend in that direction as we need her to get bigger and stronger! Just look at the size of her "wubbanub" (the giraffe pacifier) compared to her!
In other news, we have seen the hematologist and they will be ordering an ultrasound of her leg for sometime in the middle of May. IF her blood clot is gone, we will be able to stop the Lovenox injections! Pray for that to happen as we (well mainly Zachary) hate having to give her shots. We have also seen speech therapy once and that appointment went great. Of course, she eats great when they are around! But, we will be seeing them twice a week for some time, so hopefully that will continue to go well. I have also scheduled appointments with urology, nephrology, ENT, physical therapy and I am waiting to hear back from genetics! It has been a crazy ride already, but we are enjoying each day.

Finally, I have not said much about Sadie and Kinsley. Well, Kinsley is an amazing big sister already. She loves Sadie! If we ask where she is, she almost always knows and will lead us to her. She is also doing a great job being gentle with her. And here is one cute story. The other day, I was coming home from an appointment and had both girls by myself. I parked the car and got Kinsley out before I grabbed Sadie. Well as I pulled Kins out of the car, she looked and saw that Sadie was still in the car. I shut the car door to go around to get Sadie and Kinsley immediately started crying! She thought we were leaving her baby behind! I rushed to the other side and grabbed Sadie and she was all better. Look at that sisterly love already! I am so proud!
Verse of the Day:
"When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I." Psalm 61:2

Everyone said over and over again that feeding would be the hard part. I listened and believed, but did not realize the extent to which this was true. First of all, I knew it would be hard but figured it would be solved while we were in the hospital. I thought, we are going home that means we have it all under control.. boy was I wrong! Feeding is the constant struggle that I face. I remember the first time Sadie was allowed to eat from a bottle. The speech therapist came in the room and sat down ready to feed her. I was so jealous, I wanted to be able to feed her. Well now, I enjoy feeding her but often times I am terrified. I am truly overwhelmed by her need for nutrition. I hate that at times, I can not help her get it. I am terrified that we may have to put the tube back in if she can not eat enough. Yet, I know that it is all for her good. I know the each doctor who is giving me instructions loves Sadie and wants what is best for her. So, I must not be overwhelmed. The Lord put each of them in our lives for a reason, so I must try that they are making the right decisions and I must lean on the fact that the Lord will not give me more than I can handle with Him! He is my Rock, He is higher than I am. So, when I am discouraged or fearful, I just think of how lucky I am that He entrusted me with sweet Sadie Grace. So, I will lean on the Lord, my God and trust in Him in spite of my fears!
Praises for the Day:
1. Emerie's heart has grown!!!!! Sweet Emerie, Sadie's best friend and the other little girl with the same heart condition as Sadie, had her cath done last week and the results were amazing. Her heart has grown so much that she should be able to have a two ventricle heart!
2. Sadie has been able to keep her food down.
3. Sadie's echo and EKG looked great!
Prayer Requests for the Day:

1. Pray that her blood clot will be gone by the time we do her ultrasound.
2. Pray for her cystic hygroma to dissolve on it's own! It has been growing slightly and we are not sure why. (We go to the ENT on Thursday, so hopefully we will be able to get some answers)
3. Pray for her to have the coordination, endurance, strength, desire and tolerance she needs when eating!
4. Pray for her to gain weight (not too fast though)!
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